Join the MVC Coordinating Center for a Lunch & Learn webinar presentation by the MVC team. This session will introduce and demonstrate how to utilize new multi-payer reports focused on cardiac rehabilitation utilization measures now available on MVC’s registry.Register Now
Join MiCR for our summer webinar. The meeting agenda includes site spotlights on two cardiac rehab teams who have incorporated NewBeat materials into their patient care workflows, as well as a working session to develop more patient and provider materials. You can view the agenda by clicking here.
加入 MVC 协调中心的心脏康复工作组系列活动,该系列活动将邀请演讲嘉宾并介绍心脏康复的质量改进工作。立即注册
请参加这次以 MiCR 心脏康复 (CR) 利用率 QI 奖为主题的虚拟信息会议。本次网络研讨会将解释项目文件、阐明提案要求、回顾可用于帮助集思广益的资源,并为潜在申请人提供提问的机会。单击此处注册参加此次活动。
地点:H Hotel, 111 W Main St, Midland, MI 48640H Hotel, 111 W Main St, Midland, MI 48640 查看议程 立即注册!