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The Michigan Cardiac Rehab Network (MiCR) contributed content to the second edition of the Million Hearts Cardiac Rehabilitation Change Package (CRCP) released in August of 2023.

Million Hearts, a national initiative co-led by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) has set a goal of preventing 1 million acute cardiovascular events in 5 years. Its CRCP is a collection of straightforward and highly adaptable evidence or practice-based process improvement resources to implement as a part of a Cardiac Rehab Quality Improvement strategy.

MiCR’s “Sample Blinded Hospital Report for Cardiac Rehab Performance” was included in the CRCP. This resource supports two key drivers: making cardiac rehab a health system priority and using data to drive improvement.

The CRCP also includes the MiCR Cardiac Rehab Toolkit’s section, “Eliminating Transportation as a Barrier to Participation.”

BMC2 members, Henry Ford Health System and Holland Hospital, also contributed CRCP content.