Founded in 2022
Who We Are
Despite the well-documented benefits of cardiac rehab following a cardiac event, only about 1 in 3 patients in Michigan utilize this life-saving program. Not only do patients face significant barriers to accessing cardiac rehab care, but clinicians and healthcare facilities face challenges that complicate referral and enrollment.
In 2022, the Michigan Cardiac Rehabilitation Network, or MiCR, was established by a collaborative team of physicians, researchers, data analysts, and engagement specialists from two Collaborative Quality Initiatives – the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Cardiovascular Consortium (BMC2) and the Michigan Value Collaborative (MVC). In partnership with other clinical stakeholders and teams, MiCR supports the improved utilization of cardiac rehab for all eligible patients in Michigan.
Where We Are Today
The MiCR partners work to achieve improved utilization of cardiac rehab programming at sites across Michigan through robust analytics, resource development and dissemination, and collaboration opportunities.
These activities work in tandem to achieve three key goals:
- Share best practices in cardiac rehab care with sites across Michigan
- Increase average participation rates from 30% to 40% across all eligible AMI, CABG, PCI, SAVR, and TAVR patients within 90 days of hospital discharge
- Increase average participation rates from 3% to 10% across all eligible CHF patients within one year of a CHF-related hospitalization.

The Value of Cardiac Rehab
Why It Matters

Contributing Partners

Support for BMC2, MISHC, MSTCVS-QC, and MVC is provided by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan as part of the BCBSM Value Partnerships program. BCBSM’s Value Partnerships program provides clinical and executive support for all CQI programs. To learn more about Value Partnerships, visit www.valuepartnerships.com.
Although BCBSM and its CQI programs work in partnership, the opinions, beliefs, and viewpoints expressed by the CQIs do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs, and viewpoints of BCBSM or any of its employees.